Wednesday, December 30, 2009

18 Years and Never Missed a Vote

I would like to congratulate State Representative Jay Hottinger on his eighteen years of perfect attendance in public office. Here is an excerpt from a recent press release issued by his office:

2009 marks eighteen consecutive years of public service during which Hottinger has achieved perfect attendance. In addition to his three consecutive years of perfect attendance in the House of Representatives he has achieved nine years of perfect attendance in the Ohio Senate, three years during his previous time in the Ohio House of Representatives, and three years while serving on the Newark City Council. During this period of perfect attendance he has also never missed a vote.

“Being present for every vote has always been a priority for me. It is a duty I take very seriously,” Hottinger said. “My constituents elected me to be their voice in the Ohio House of Representatives and they deserve nothing less than 100% on my voting record.”

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