Tuesday, January 26, 2010

NOT My Morning To-Do List

Here are 29 things I'm not willing to do before 7:00 a.m. Guess I'm NOT a "blogger" after all.

- Posted by Cheri


Sean M. Carpenter said...

Cheri - Based on that list, neither am I. I guess I am a self admitted social media junkie but usually don;t feel the need to check in every waking hour. Every other waking hour seems to be fine for now. :-)

Looking forward to meeting you at lunch on Friday

Licking County Chamber said...

Lunch will be fun. But a warning - I will have been up since 3:30 a.m., so just nudge me if I drift off. . .

Unknown said...

I'm tired can't believe I bothered to read the whole thing. Now back to facebook? Or should i check E-mail or twitter? Decisions decisions.