Friday, February 12, 2010

Cheri Hottinger Named Ohio Chamber Professional of the Year

Cheri Hottinger, President & CEO of the Licking County Chamber of Commerce has picked up two prestigious honors. The Newark resident has been named by the Chamber of Commerce Executives of Ohio (CCEO) as Ohio's 2009 Professional of the Year at their winter conference at the Doubletree Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. In addition, she also was recognized for having earned the Accredited Professional designation.

Cheri received the Professional of the Year Award from the CCEO which is a professional association for those employed by local Chambers of Commerce in Ohio. The CCEO was established with the purpose to “develop the country’s most effective Chamber members.” Hottinger accepted the award from CCEO Director Vicki Lowery and was greeted with a surprise visit from her family, her staff, Chamber Chair Lust, and Chair-elect Guanciale.

In addition to the Professional of the Year Award, Hottinger also was recognized at the same event for having earned the Accredited Professional designation. She has been working toward the accreditation status as one way to reinforce the professionalism expected from the Chamber.
She has implemented a number of policies and procedures to further enhance both the effectiveness and the professionalism of the organization. “Cheri is the epitome of professionalism and will make an excellent ambassador for this designation,” Lust said.

Andy Doehrel, President & CEO of The Ohio Chamber of Commerce said, “I only wish we had 50 more like her in Ohio and we could change the world. Cheri is engaged, knowledgeable and above all she cares about her members, her community and her state.”

Cheri said she is "greatly honored by these awards and to be recognized by my peers throughout the state. We are proud of the work we do at the Licking County Chamber and it is a testament to the great staff and partners we have at the Chamber and in the local community. We will continue to work hard on behalf of Licking County and its business community.”

posted by: Jennifer

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