Monday, December 8, 2008

Generation Happy

At least weekly, if not more, I will be involved in a conversation regarding the incoming workforce and how they aren't the same as the workers 30, 20 or even 10 years ago. Somewhere in the discussion, the words entitlement, job-hoppers and no sense of loyalty will come up when describing these "young people".

If you really want to get into the mind of this generation, read this post at ChrisBrogan. It's funny, but the things they are looking for in an employer aren't really all that different than what I would look for, but they will keep searching until they find it. It doesn't matter to them how many times they switch jobs; what matters is that they love what they do. And isn't that what we all want in the end?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it’s rare that most young people know what they want. When I was 20 years old I just wanted to pay the rent and eat something other then mac and cheese. I do find it rather egotistical that young people today would spend a great deal of time job hoping which goes to show they really didn’t know what they wanted during the interview but hey it sounded good enough. If I were a business owner I would take special care in hiring young people. I would be looking for someone who was hungry and willing to work hard over the college grad who thinks somehow they have earned the right for an interview simply because of some sort of deep feeling that somehow they are simply entitled. At the end of the day, you best bring something to the table.