Monday, January 19, 2009

My Favorite Love Letter

Doing some MAJOR cleaning today and came across some letters I have kept over the years. Back in October of 1988, my husband was running for the Ohio Senate. We decided that I would write a letter to the voters in his district so they would get to know him a little better. Just a year before, Nancy Chiles-Dix resigned creating an opening in the 31st Senate District. Jay was appointed to fill the seat, but had to run in the next November election to try to hold on to the position.

My letter started off this way:

"Dear Friend,

My name is Cheri Hottinger and my husband Jay is your State Senator. Jay is running for election, so I thought you might like to know a little more about him than what you may see on television or read in the newspaper. . ."

I received several letters back, mostly thanking me for my letter and the information. But my favorite response started like this:

"Mrs. Hottinger,

First of all, I am not your friend and secondly, your husband is not my state senator. I don't want to know any more about him than I already do. I do know that he replaced another inferior state senator that was there for her own benefit and when it was no longer to her benefit, she stepped down and the position was GIVEN to your husband. Also I am not naive enough to believe everything I see on television or read in the newspaper, I do however, have some confidence in the court system, and they have found that another candidate, Taft, has made false statements against his opponent."

It goes on from there, but you get the tone of it. Politics is such fun.

1 comment:

Researcher- Tracy Forester said...

That's great. Thanks for sharing.