Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Have Followers

In the past two days, I have received notices that I now have followers on my Twitter account. Three of them, to be exact. Funny thing is that there really isn't anything for them to follow, since I haven't been on that site since late last year when I tried setting up an account and thought that I was unsuccessful. Yesterday I tried to log in and couldn't even get my username and password correct.

I am on Facebook and LinkedIn and the Chamber, Community Leadership, Community Capitalism and Workenomics all have their own groups on LinkedIn. So I have gotten my feet wet in the whole social networking thing. But I had decided to leave Twitter alone, mostly because I didn't see the real value of it to be honest. And I am still of that opinion. But I find it interesting that one of my "followers" is 10TV. I can only think of one reason why they would choose to follow me now: One of my other "followers" is a "follower" of 10TV, so maybe they automatically follow the people that their "followers" follow. Do you follow me? (Sorry, couldn't resist saying that)

Bottom line is that I can't image why anyone (especially 10tv) would really want to know what my random thoughts are. But obviously I am in the minority, given the popularity of Twitter. I'm sure at some point I will take the plunge and send a "tweet", but for now I am just going to wait and see how long it takes my three "followers" to un-follow me, if that option exists.

UPDATE: I now have five followers and I have located my username and password. Taking baby steps.

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