Monday, November 22, 2010

Buzz Word of the Day

. . .is uncertainty.

Today I, and others, met with Congressman-Elect Bob Gibbs. We wanted to familiarize him with Licking County, especially our economic development diamond, the 79Seventy Advanced Materials Corridor.

After he listened to us, he shared what his top priorities would be when he gets to Congress. His #1 is reducing deficit spending. Period.

He went on to say that uncertainty about what Washington is going to do in 2011 is the driving factor for lack of investment on all levels, personal and business alike. When consumers don't know what the taxation level is going to be or what programs will or will not be extended, it causes so much uncertainty that they (consumers/investors) freeze up and put off decisions, causing our economy to stall.

Later in my day I was in another meeting where uncertainty on the state level was mentioned. We were discussing budget issues and whether or not a certain program would be funded again in the new budget cycle. It makes it difficult to make a decision on whether or not to move forward with a new project when you are taking a big risk not knowing if the funding will be there or not. Holding up a project for six months when a developer is ready to go now does not make for a happy developer nor a happy community.

I am one that would just like to know the facts, make a decision and move on. Although I may not like hearing the truth or bad news, I would much rather know what I have to deal with rather than play a long, drawn-out game of uncertainty.

Uncertainty can suck you dry in terms of efficiency and productivity. It causes doubt, which can lead to mistrust and skepticism. Not something you want in your workplace or even your personal life.

Don't be the person who is causing these feelings at home or at work. Just make the decision and deliver the news.

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